Attorney General Jeff Sessions ducked questions from Senate Republicans and Democrats Wednesday about his plans to enforce federal marijuana laws in states that have legalized or […]
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions acknowledged before a key Senate panel on Wednesday that “there may well be some benefits from medical marijuana” and that it […]
FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME ALIAS Iowa Lawmakers May Eliminate THC Caps For Medical Cannabis Oil cbd legislation high […]
(CNN)Dear Honorable Jeff Sessions, I feel obligated to share the results of my five-year-long investigation into the medical benefits of the cannabis plant. Before I started […]
Hemp Can Fight Cancer Too, Reveal Scientists in New Cannabis Study With one and a half million new cases diagnosed each year, scientists are on a […]
Marijuana may still be illegal at the federal level, but cannabidiol (CBD), a compound in weed that doesn’t actually get you high, is more popular than […]